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Interesting Family Trees  -  Genealogy


All the data herein is free for all to use and is NOT copyrighted by me.

The most common SURNAMES on this site are :-

ANDERSON, CARRUTHERS, FLEMING, HOPE, HOUSTON, JONES,  McARTHUR, McFADYEN, MELROSE, RENWICK, SOMMERVILLE, STRUTHERS, THOMSON and VEITCH   although I'm pretty sure that if your ancestor came from SCOTLAND then you will  find the surname here, amongst the several thousand surnames of  about 240,000 Individuals. We are only related to about 5,500 folk in this database

My own tree includes, Scots, Irish, English and Welsh surnames which include:-

Beaton (Islay), Curtis ( Somerset & Glos.), Houston (Ireland, Renfrew and Ayr), Hunt (Wiltshire),  Jones (Ayrshire),  Larkin (Ireland),  McArthur  (Islay), McFadyen (Islay), McIntyre (Islay), Patience (Ireland) and Taylor (Islay).

My wife's tree has surnames mainly from the Scottish Border areas and South Lanarkshire and include:-

Anderson, Carruthers, Cossar, Fleming, Hope, Irving, Leach, Lockhart, Lorimer, Melrose, Renwick, Sommerville, Struthers, Thomson and Veitch.

If you find a connection on my database and wish me to add in extra family members so that other researchers can connect to your family, just let  me know.


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Bowmore 18th Century